Let WeatherSentry remember your favorite and frequently visited screens.

When you create or change your Favorites, they’ll show up in My Favorites. Organize your favorite screens with folders to fit your operations and teams.

Here’s how:


On any screen within WeatherSentry, you will see an Add Favorite button. When selected, you’re given the option to select a folder, then Add. You’re done!


Easily create, delete or organize your Favorites by selecting Favorites located in the Settings menu.


At any time, quickly view your favorite screens by selecting the My Favorites tab in the main menu.

Add a screen to My Favorites:


While on an object within WeatherSentry, look for the Add Favorite button:

Hourly Forecast, Add Favorite button located at the top right above the forecast chart.


Choose a Favorite Folder and click Add:

Favorite Folder dropdown showing My Favorites, with Folder Name, as well as Add and Cancel buttons.


Now the added item(s) will show when you go to My Favorites:

My Favorites, showing a Back button, Current Conditions folder, and the newly added Hourly Forecast item.


To reorganize your favorites, go to Manage Favorites at the top of the My Favorites screen, or go to the Settings button and choose Favorites:

App main menu, under settings, currently shows options including: Locations, Alerts, Recipients, Location Monitoring, Forecast Thresholds, Favorites, and Slide Shows. Favorites is highlighted.


From here, you can create new folders and reorganize your favorites:

Manage Favorites window shows current favorites, which can be added, removed, and reordered. There are text instructions to the right, and a Save Changes button at the bottom of the window.


We hope this answered your question! If not, let us know and we’ll get to the bottom of it.

Category: Next Steps